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Top 10 SEO Automation Tools
Date : 27th May, 2014
#1 SocialAdr
SocialAdr is one of the best bookmarking services available on the market. It has a simple system that every member has to bookmark other member's URL in his or her social account to get credit. Each credit means that there will be one of his or her URL that is bookmarked by other member. The system using the power of several major social bookmark site like Delicious and Jumptags for example.
#2. IMAutomator
In IMAutomator, each of our URL will be bookmarked to 15 social bookmark accounts
#3. SocialMonkee
Here, every URL will be automatically submitted to 100 social bookmark account. Similar to IMAutomator, we also can choose to drip the submit process.
#4. IMT Website Submitter
It is very good to be used to "force" search engine to index our brand new website. This free service submits your website/blog to 2500+ websites ("who is", "about us", "website statistic", type of services).
#5. IMT RSS Submitter
This tool will submit your RSS Feed to my private network of RSS Directories/Aggregators, then it will ping each created page to 33
#6. IMT Directory Submitter
This tool will help you submit your Website to 1647 directories fast and easy!
#7. RSS Submit
Free tool for automatically submitting RSS feeds, it is the quickest and most reliable way to submit to the around 25 RSS search engines.
#8. Free Traffic System
Article submission service to private blog network like UAW/MAN/SEO Linkvine, etc. The difference is that they also provide free service. For free version, each article submitted will be sent to 30 blog in their blog network.
#9. 247Backlinks
ust signup and you'll get 1000 backlinks absolutely free. There are two types of backlinks provided, forum backlink and blog comment backlink.
#10. Only Wire
One Button. Publish Everywhere. Send your message to the web's top social networks with the click of a button.
Chris Labbate