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Accessible Web Design: Improving Your Site’s Exposure
Date : 28th May, 2014
Web accessibility has been a foundation of the Internet and how people create web pages. In fact, there is a whole set of rules dedicated to how you should make a design so that it is more accommodating. However, some of these problems can be glossed over, and the direct result is that your site might not be appealing to a huge part of the net population. This number isn’t a small one either; there are hundreds of thousands of users with varying disabilities. So, why is this so important to a business? Well, the fact here is that an all-inclusive site appeals to a broader audience, and here are the reasons why.
1.Disabilities are broad
If you think about disabilities, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Usually, what would go through your head are blindness, deafness, and learning issues. The thing here is that you might be glossing over the diseases in between. Disabilities come in a number of different forms and usually they’re classified by severity. Now, if you will, try and imagine the number of users who can still hear and see the web but have trouble identifying the different parts of a page. You can see from there how website design in Nottingham has to be approachable to everyone.
An accessible site doesn’t mean you have to cater exclusively to one disability. It just means that you have to use simpler layouts, better color schemes, and create a well-rounded user experience. There are a number of different blogs that deal with accessibility principles and designs. The point here is that accessible design can net you more traffic, which is always a great thing.
2. Optimisation can also increase traffic
Website design in Nottingham has become a bit more elaborate and busy. While this is a great thing for those that want to design more interactive experiences, this can also impede other users. You see, while a majority of 1st and 2nd world countries have fiber net connections, the rest of the world has to make due with DSL and Broadband. In order to bridge this gap some optimisation might be in order.
Optimisation is the act of revisiting and improving the code of a website. It could be as simple as using a better CMS system, or overhauling the whole site with an HTML 5 makeover. To improve the speed through which your site loads, all you have to do is to think simple.
If you don’t need a certain animation, take it out and simplify it. Or maybe your site has trouble dealing with Google analytics. If that’s the case, try and optimise what you could through the use of a content management system. There are a few more methods through which you can optimize your site for speed. Quite a few blogs discuss the ideas behind each principle.
Website design in Nottingham expands as quickly as the rest of the world, which requires businesses to keep up with the times. If you want the best amounts of traffic directed to your pages, then think smart and start working on the accessibility of your designs.